IWN 2024

12th International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors
O'ahu, Hawai'i — Hilton Hawaiian Village


Dear IWN 2024 presenters,

Physica Status Solidi is once again planning to publish two special issues highlighting the most exciting new results presented at the 12th International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN 2024). The papers will be divided between pss (a) – applications and materials science and pss (b) – basic solid state physics.

In collaboration between the Guest Editors and the Editorial Office we invite you to contribute a topical Review (for invited speakers) or Research Article manuscript based on or related to your presentation.

The Physica Status Solidi journals are designed to reach a broad audience. It is one of the largest and well-established publication platforms in solid state, applied and device physics as well as materials science with around 1000 articles per year – now over 60 years in business – and is widely accessible via Open Access and as part of many institutional site licenses, evidenced by many hundreds of thousands of article downloads annually.

PSS is a hybrid Open Access (OA)/subscription journal. The Open Access option is compliant with national or funder mandates, supported by an ever increasing number of countries and institutions. Wiley has now transformative OA agreements around the world, for details see Wiley Author Services and contact pssa@wiley-vch.de with questions.

Please check back closer to the event for submission instructions


If you have any questions, you can contact the planning team at info@iwn2024.org